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Olde English Bulldogges
Welcome to Bad Habit Bullies, your go-to source for learning more about Olde English Bulldogges. These courageous and alert guardians are known for their loyalty and willingness to defend their family and home. With their outgoing and friendly nature, Olde English Bulldogges are easy to train and make wonderful family pets. Discover more about these amazing dogs and how they can become a part your family today.
Brief History
The Olde English Bulldogge has a rich history that dates back to the17th century in England. These dogs were originally bred for bull baiting. A cruel blood sport that was popular at the time. Despite their aggressive nature, they were also known for their loyalty and courage. When bull baiting was outlawed in1835, the bulldoggee breed lost it's purpose and began to disappear. How ever in 1860 the breed was repurposed as a companion dog and began to show up in UK show rings. In the early1970's, David Leavitt of Coatesville Pennsylvania, began a breeding project to recreate the original bull baiting dog with a less aggressive temperament. Leavitt's foundation crosses included 1/2 Bulldog, 1/6 American Bulldog, 1/6 Bullmastiff, and 1/6 other breeds. The result was The Olde English Bulldogge, which has fewer breathing problems and birthing difficulties than it's parent breeds. Today, the Olde' is a beloved family pet that is cherished for its affectionate and playful personality.

The Olde English Bulldogge is a breed known for its protective and courageous temperament. They are eager to please and intelligent, making them easy to train and a wonderful family pet. With their outgoing and friendly nature, they make great companions. As a courageous and alert guardian, they will defend their family and home with loyalty and devotion.
Olde English Bulldogges are a beloved breed, but they are prone to a common condition called hypothyroidism. This condition occurs when the body doesn't make enough thyroid hormone, and can lead to a variety symptoms including dry skin and coat, hair loss, and weight gain. In some cases hypothyroidism also cause behavioral changes such as fearfulness aggression. It's important for Bulldogge owners to be aware of these potential issues and to work closely with their veterinarian to ensure their pet's health and happiness.

What is the difference between an English Bulldog and an Olde English Bulldogge?There are many differences. A simplistic look at the two breed’s appearance will lead one to the conclusion that the Olde English Bulldogge is slightly taller than the English bulldog and much less extreme in terms of bulliness. The Olde English Bulldogge is also a much healthier animal in that it doesn’t suffer from the numerous health problems of the English bulldog. The Olde English Bulldogge males are free breeders and the females are free whelpers. This is in contrast to the English bulldog where in many, if not most cases the females must be artificially inseminated to conceive, and then must deliver by Cesarean Section. Olde English Bulldogges are the type of dog that the kids can take outside to play in the summertime, while most English Bulldogs must be kept indoors in the air conditioning. These dogs are much more full of life than English bulldogs. If you are seriously considering an English bulldog, be sure to consult a Veterinarian who is familiar with the severe health issues of the breed. You should also visit the breeder during the middle of a hot day to see the activity level of their dogs.
What is the average life expectancy of an Olde English Bulldogge?While this certainly depends on the care an animal receives such as Veterinary care, vaccinations, exercise and nutrition, a good average would be 11 to 15 years of age.
Are Olde English Bulldogges easily trained?Olde English Bulldogges are very intelligent and possess a strong desire to please their owners. As with all breeds, different training methods work better with different animals. Some Bulldogges may exhibit a stubborn streak every now and then, but that’s just a Bulldogge. They do require patience and consistency in training, but they eager to learn and please.
What type of training is recommended for this breed?This dog requires AT LEAST Basic Obedience. Any Bulldogge worth owning who has the confidence to hold his head up will vie for dominance. His/her place in the home must be established early by its owner. If you allow the dog to be the “boss”, it will most certainly be the boss. Make sure you establish who is boss and keep it that way, then your bully will follow your lead.
How well do these dogs get along with children?These dogs adore children, especially if they have been raised with them. Bear in mind that these dogs are Bulldogges after all, and can be rough. Just as with any dog, playtime with small children should always be supervised.
How big will my dog get?Males should be 17" to 20" tall at the withers and weight 60 pounds on up. Females should be 15" to 19" tall at the withers and weigh 45 pounds on up. More detailed information regarding the physical structure of the dog can be found by visiting our Breed Standard page. Our own dogs sizes are as follows; Males are around 18 to 19 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 70-80 pounds, Females are around 17 to 18 inches tall and weigh between 60-70 pounds.
Do OEB’s make good apartment dogs?Olde English Bulldogges can do well in apartment life provided that they receive plenty of exercise, love and attention. If you work 14 hours a day every day, and your dog will be crated during this time, this is not the breed for you. You might want to consider a Hamster.
How much exercise will my dog require?This varies, with our own personal experience some individual dogs require quite a bit of exercise while others are content with a leisurely walk. But generally this breed requires moderate exercise. If you are a sedentary person that can’t provide the dog with at least moderate amounts of exercise, this is not the breed for you. This dog is very happy to lie at your feet at night, but they also want to go out and play ball. Remember, they are the healthy, athletic Bulldogge.
Do Olde English Bulldogges get along well with other dogs?It depends. As with any of the bully breeds, the Olde English Bulldogge does have a tendency toward same sex dog aggression. They usually do very will with other animals of the opposite sex. There are some things that can be done to try and minimize problems. First all non breeding stock should be spayed/neutered. Second introduce the Olde English Bulldogge as a puppy and not an older dogs. Third begin socializing your pup at an early age with other dogs, teach them manners and obedience, this way they will know you are boss and it is not their place to try and boss other dogs around. To summarize, it isn't advisable to bring an Olde English Bulldogge into a situation where he/she will reside with a member of the same sex, who has not been spayed or neutered without any type of training or obedience ground work. We also suggest taking puppy to training classes so your new pup will be able to socialize with other dogs and learn proper dog manners.
What venues are available if I want to show my Olde English Bulldogge?We support the International Olde English Bulldogge Association (IOEBA) conformation show events. We feel that the IOEBA as an organization offers a credible path to obtaining a legitimate Championship title for your dogs. Visit our home page for information on upcoming conformation events held by the IOEBA.
Can Olde English Bulldogge’s be used in weight pull activities?Yes, and with proper training and conditioning, they perform quite well. The IOEBA supports weight pull as long as it is done in a responsible, humane way that is both healthy and enjoyable for the dog. Weight pulling is a job that many OEBs enjoy.
Do Olde English Bulldogge’s make good watch dogs?Olde English Bulldogges are very capable dogs. They perform the duty of watch dog very well. That is, they are very tuned in to their families. They are very adept at alerting their families when something is not quite right so that appropriate action may be taken.
Do Olde English Bulldogges excel in Personal Protection training and Protection sports?Although some lines of OEBs do well in PP work and training, we do not own, breed or train dogs for Personal Protection. We feel that if the need arises for our dogs to protect us for whatever reason, they will do so on their own initiative and without special training.
There are many people on the internet and elsewhere calling their dogs Olde English Bulldogges. How do you know which are true OEBs?Fortunately for us, history has already been written. It is well documented that the Olde English Bulldogge was created in the early 1970’s by David Leavitt. When searching for a breeder or OEB, be sure that they are registered with a reputable registry (Avoid dogs solely registered with the CONTINENTAL KENNEL CLUB) Upon finding the registry the breeder is using, make sure that all their dogs closely fit the breed standard of their chosen registry. Beware of breeders that have dogs that all look differently from each other, if some of the dogs look like an English Bulldog and the others looks like PitBulls chances are that breeder is not producing consistent quality Olde English Bulldogges.
Do these dogs slobber profusely?No. Unlike the Mastiffs, Olde English Bulldogges don’t have a real slobbering problem. They are not as undershot as the English Bulldog and therefore don’t have as much “drainage”. Although, if you’re dressed up to go out for your anniversary dinner you might not want to stand next to old Duke after a big chug of water.
Are there any special grooming requirements for this breed?No. A good bath, nails trimmed and ears cleaned is about it. They also love the attention of a good brushing. Cleaning out their folds of skin is good to do also.
Do Olde English Bulldogges shed?Yes they are considered moderate shedders.
How much can I expect to pay for an Olde English Bulldogge?You can reasonably expect to pay $1200 to $5000 for a quality Olde English Bulldogge, but don't let the price tag of a pup govern the quality of the pup. This price does not include shipping, which is paid by the buyer in most cases. However BEWARE of the breeder selling puppies for suspiciously low prices without reason, as they are most likely not quality OEBs, the smaller amount for the intial price of the pup may not be worth it when you have to spend thousands to take care of the health issues this pup most likely has. In the end it is best to pay the little "extra" for a quality puppy with a health guarantee and full support from the breeder of the pup.
Where can I register my Olde English Bulldogge?We register all our dogs with the IOEBA (International Olde English Bulldogge Association). We feel that the IOEBA is the leading registry for this breed. The IOEBA was developed with the specific needs of Olde English Bulldogges in mind. Our puppies come with registration papers for the IOEBA.